The Journal

My Favorite Things Friday | Going to the Movies

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I’m really trying to get my blogging swing back, so here I am 🙂

My Favorite Things Friday involves my highlighting something in particular I love. Today, I’m highlighting going to the movies.

Going to the movies has been one of my favorite things forever. Some people are movie lovers, some people aren’t. I am. It stems from going to the movies all the time with my family. Some families camp. My family went to double features. My mom would make a huge tub of popcorn and put it into her huge bag and we would go to our local two-screen theatre for what they called “Date Night,” or two-for-one tickets. My mom and dad would take my brother and me and we’d be totally enthralled by the silver screen for the night. It was one of our favorite things to do.

Favorite movie memories:

Going with my dad to see “Little Mermaid” when it first came out. It was cold and icy. I slipped on some ice outside the theatre and fell, but I didn’t care. I’d just met Arial for the first time and I loved her.

Going to see Sister Act. We almost didn’t make it out of the driveway, as it was another snowy, icy night. But my brother and I were so distraught at not seeing it that I think our sheer will power made the van move.

Going to see Titanic. Three times. Once with my parents. That was awkward.

I still love going to the movies. And now I love having Reid to go with. We share very similar taste in film, and I’m very grateful for that. There’s nothing worse than having a romantic partner who hates the movies you love. (Well, there might be something worse, but I love being dramatic…maybe that’s why I love movies so much…hehe.)

And now, I’m so excited for Before Midnight to come out so Reid and I can have a date night at the theatre. I think we might need to watch the first two before, as I don’t think he’s familiar with them. Have you seen them? Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are so beautifully romantic.

Sidenote: Reid and I spotted Ethan Hawke at a restaurant in NYC after a show one night. We were having dessert and he was making the rounds and talking to friends. Well, I guess I should say I spotted him. Reid is always amazed at my ability to recognize celebrities. I’d like to think it’s a valuable talent. But it’s not. More of a bizarre knack.

Before Midnight: SFIFF 56 Trailer from San Francisco Film Society on Vimeo.

Happy Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Tori Pintar says:

    I saw Titanic three times in the movie theatre too. Even my little brother saw it three times. The third time it was Easter, my Dad was oversees visiting family, so it was just my mom, my brother and me. After our Easter egg hunt we were thinking about what to do with the rest of our Sunday. There was pause but somehow we were all thinking let’s go and see Titanic again. And we did! Thank you for reminding me of such a great childhood memory.

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