The Journal

My Favorite Things Friday: Mad Men

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “My Favorite Things Friday” post, and I wanted to do something that’s been on my mind a lot lately.

Mad Men. Hope you weren’t expecting deeper and thought-provoking.

Netflix recently made “Mad Men” available to watch instantly, and I’ve been wanting to see what the show is all about. And considering my love of all things vintage and my penchant for ’60s dresses, I thought I might like it.

Well, I’ve now gone through the first season and started on the second, and I have to say that it’s much more dark and depressing than I was expecting. Like one of my favorite quotes from my favorite movie “Sabrina (the new one), the characters in Mad Men seem to think that “morals are paintings on walls and scruples of money in Russia.” It’s hard for me to watch as men and women act in seriously unscrupulous ways and treat family life so lightly. I do not in any way condone the actions that take place in the show.

I must admit that the one thing that keeps me coming back is the fashion. I love to see what they wear. It may seem vapid and superficial, but I can’t help it. They all look so sharp and stylish! I would love to keep my own style headed in that direction.

Speaking of, did you know that Banana Republic has a Mad Men line? If you don’t want to go full out vintage, they have some pretty cute clothes inspired by the show.

I love these cigarette pants

…and this cardigan….

…and for more vintage fun, Etsy is ahhhhhh-mazing. Wouldn’t it be fun to entertain with this punch bowl and glasses?

They’re pretty much identical to the ones Don Draper uses all the time in his office…although he puts a something a little stronger in them than I’d use. I’ll stick with punch, thanks 🙂

Happy Friday!

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