The Journal

I believe in…

…forgiving Martha Stewart.

Martha has this uncanny ability remain an insanely popular media personality and business magnate no matter what…despite her reputation as a demanding ice queen who takes credit for everything…despite being convicted of insider trading…and despite annunciating her words like she’s a stuffy aristocrat from Britain even though she’s from a middle-class family from New Jersey (holla!)…I can’t help but love her. I don’t love some of her personal life decisions, but I do love her determination. The girl has some crazy business skillz (first and last time I will ever spell that word with a ‘z’). And I LOVE her magazine.

I’ve been getting Martha Stewart Living since I was 12. One of my favorite days every month was when that glossy magazine with the beautiful interiors, scrumptious recipes and “Good Things” column appeared in the mailbox. I’d run up to my room, plop onto my bed and flip through the pages for hours. My favorite blueberry muffin recipe can be found in the July/August 2000 issue (I remembered that off the top of my head). I got the brilliant idea to put dishwashing liquid into an empty olive oil bottle instead of the unsightly plastic container. The jack-o-lantern I carve every year was found in the mag. And whenever I contemplate organizing anything, I consider how Martha would do it (although the actualization of the organizing rarely happens).

I’m so glad she seems to be forgiven. What would the world be without her?

So here’s to Martha. I hope one day my home will be filled with lots of blueberry muffins, organized closets and forgiveness.



  1. Katie Morris says:

    Oh Miss Sam! How I love our mutual affection for Martha Stewart. 🙂

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