The Journal

Photo Challenge

I never would have imagined I’d become a professional photographer. Funny how things just fall into your lap sometimes, isn’t it? One day you’re on the road to being a veterinarian and then the next you join the circus (I just read Water For Elephants, so I’ve got the big top on my mind – great book, by the way – I gobbled it up).

But becoming a photographer was sort of like that for me. I was working in PR and finding myself decidedly unhappy when a good friend of mine began to show me how to use a camera.

I’ve always loved photography. Art shows, art walks, art fairs have always drawn me in with their photography. I find it utterly amazing how you can capture the most simplest and mundane objects and turn them into art. Or how you can capture something that is obviously beautiful and keep it in that state forever.

However, I find that sometimes I start losing my inspiration and don’t shoot just for fun as much. I feel my photography becomes stagnant. Starting out, I had my camera with me ALL the time. Now, not so much. I’m on a mission to change that; to keep growing my photography skills and to re-fuel my passion.

And I want you to join me! I’m starting a 30-day photo challenge. Whether you are a professional photographer or just love taking pics on your iPhone, I would love if you got on board and participated. I want as many people to join in as possible.

Here is the challenge: Take one photo a day for 30 days. Each photo must represent the day’s challenge in some way. Once you have your photo for the day, upload it to our facebook page. The first day of the challenge will be Monday, May 23.

How it works: I will post the day’s topic on facebook each morning and you have until midnight Mountain Standard Time to upload your day’s photo to our facebook page.

I’ll give you a sneak peak just so you get the gist…the first challenge will be chair.


Can’t wait ’til Monday!!! Please join in and share the photography fun! I can’t wait to see everyone’s unique interpretation of the daily challenges.



  1. Suzie says:

    Awesome idea! I decided to do a 365 project this year to get out of the photography funk that I was in due to too much time on client photos and not enough time on personal projects to remind myself WHY I became a photographer in the first place… Looking forward to this!

  2. OrangePhotographie says:

    Yay, Suzie! So excited you’ll be joining in! Can’t wait to see your photos! I can totally relate to the photography funk…let’s have some fun! 🙂

  3. […] Today is the first day of our 30-Day Photo Challenge – we hope you’re going to join in and post a photo to our facebook wall before the end […]

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