The Journal

Lemon Lime Bars

Yesterday, Orange Photographie made Lemon Lime Bars. Citrus is apparently popular with us.

I’ve always been a big fan of citrus. I am one of the 5 people on earth who actually likes grapefruit juice. I find it incredibly refreshing. I love clementines. I gulp down lemonade. Guacamole without lime just isn’t right. Give me a juicy orange as a snack and I’ll be happy.

I do not however, like those chocolate oranges that come out around Christmas. There’s always been something funny about them to me. And I don’t mean funny “haha.” I mean funny “this milk tastes off.” Not enjoyable to me.

And until recently, I always avoided orange pekoe tea like a foodie avoids McDonalds. I just don’t have a taste for orange-flavored tea. But did you know that orange pekoe contains nothing orange and does not taste at all like oranges? I had no idea. Orange pekoe is a term used in the Western tea trade to describe a particular grade of black teas. I’d been so stringent about my no-orange-flavored-tea rule that I’d never even tried it. Who knew? Well, those of you who drink orange pekoe tea, probably. I might join you now.

But back to the lemon lime bars. I was all the sudden hit with a sudden urge to bake yesterday. Reid and I were going to be making dinner for his roommate Sam (yes, he dates a Sam and lives with one, too…gets confusing at times) and his best friend Levi. I was trying to figure out what I had on hand I could whip into dessert…I didn’t have enough chocolate chips, I didn’t have chocolate baking powder, I didn’t have any fruit…except for two limes and a lemon leftover from a mexican food night a couple of weeks ago. Then I remembered a lemon lime bar I’d made once before before using a recipe from a Whole Foods cookbook. And voila! Citrus yumminess 🙂
I’ll be happy to send the recipe to anyone who wants it. Just let me know! Happy Friday!

  1. Karen Robison says:

    Yum! I love grapefruit juice too! Scott thinks it’s icky. Those sound amazing, but totally out of my strict calories for now.
    I’m not a fan of those chocolate oranges either, but I do like smashing them. Ever have the dark chocolate ones? They taste much better.
    Lime belongs in guac. Always has, always will. And leave tomatoes out of it!

    (What the heck is chocolate baking powder!?)

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