The Journal

My Favorite Things Friday: Prayer

It is Friday once again and the weekend is upon us. I don’t like to think of myself as living for the weekend, but I do have to admit it is so nice when it gets here. A little respite from the fray. School is in full swing again for both Reid and me, and while it is wonderful to learn and grow so much, it can get a little hectic and overwhelming at times.

However, I am reminded that we always have a respite and a refuge from the fray in our Heavenly Father. And prayer is what allows us to enter His loving, protecting arms. Last night, Reid and I were at our weekly community group meeting for church where we meet with some of our best friends and talk about scripture and pray for each other. It is one of my favorite parts of my week. And the best thing last night is how we sat in a circle, each mentioned something we needed prayers about, and then went around clockwise praying for the person to our left. It was so calming, just to all focus for a few minutes on praying for others and having a prayer said for you. I felt us all being drawn into our Father’s arms, and feeling like we were safe, sheltered, and warm.

I’m grateful for the instant peace that comes through prayer and that simple act of talking to God. I pray for all of you today that you will feel His peace and love surround you and fill you up. May your weekend be full of loveliness.


Image Β via Pinterest

  1. πŸ™‚ Such an encouraging reminder πŸ™‚ You guys rock:)

  2. OrangePhotographie says:

    YOU rock, Jeremiah πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for your comment.

  3. Hallie says:

    Love you guys so much… we thank God for you guys all the time πŸ™‚

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