The Journal

Katie + Joah: Married ❘ Kansas City Wedding Photographers

This is a special post for me. One of my best friends was married to her longtime love earlier this month. Katie and Joah are a perfect match, and I’m so happy I was able to be with them at their wedding. And not only were Reid and I the photographers, but I was also a bridesmaid! It was a crazy whirlwind of a day, but it was truly spectacular, and I loved every minute of it.

Reid and I flew into Kansas City the night the Thursday before the wedding, which was on Saturday. It was so good to be back (I spent about half my life there). Friday night was the rehearsal at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in downtown Kansas City. The church was simply stunning and the rehearsal went well. Then it was off to Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue for the dinner, where Reid got to taste KC barbecue for the first time (a veggie plate had been ordered for me :)). After dinner, Katie asked if I wanted to go back to her house and spend the night with her and the other bridesmaids, and so I sent Reid back to my dad’s house and I went along with Katie and the girls to have a slumber party on her last night as a single girl. We stayed up way too late, laughed until our sides hurt, and passed out at about 2a.m. Peyton, one of her bridesmaids, and I slept in the guest bedroom while Katie and her made of honor, Ashli, slept in her room. At 7:30am the next morning, Katie and Ashli attacked us and bounced us awake. And the day didn’t get any less crazy from there. With Starbucks in hand (Katie and her dad never go a day without it) we headed to our hair appointments at Beauty Brands and then zoomed off to the InterContinental Hotel on the Country Club Plaza (where the reception was going to take place) to get ready. I’ve never had to get ready to be a bridesmaid and take photos all at the same time; it was a bit tricky, but I made it work! Here is how the day unfolded from there…


This photo cracks me up every time. The guys were having trouble figuring out how to fold a pocket square, so they downloaded an app on folding pocket squares and were very into it.

To view more photos from Katie and Joah’s wedding, click on the slideshow below.

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