The Journal

San Diego Zoo

Here’s our first post about our California trip. We had a fantastic time, ate way too much, and soaked up the sun…literally, as Reid and I both got burnt. The second day there, my left arm got sunburned. That’s it. Just my left arm. You know how plants lean toward the sun? That must have been what my left arm was doing all day.

On Saturday night, we pulled into Las Vegas to see my friend Denita, her husband and their two little boys. We had a great (albeit short) visit with them, and then we were off to San Diego to stay with my cousin Katie for a couple of days.

On Monday morning, we woke up to go to the San Diego Zoo. It was Katie’s birthday, along with her daughter, who turned one. We celebrated with all sorts of monkeys that day…

And other interesting animals…

The lion’s fake prey…So glad I’m not that plastic barrel.

Yay for zoos!!!

Where shall we go next?

Why, to see the hanging monkeys and the friendly blue bird, of course?

Pretty bird.

Pretty boy 🙂

More trip details to come tomorrow! Next we’re off to the O.C.

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