The Journal

Tut Tut, It Looks Like Rain

I want it to rain. Anyone who lives in California will probably curse me for saying this. Now, I don’t want it to downpour for days and have to deal with the torrents and torrents CA has had to; I just want it to rain enough to use my new umbrella. Well, new to me, anyway. My wonderful friend Heather (you can see her here – she’s on the left) has gifted me with her Ralph Lauren umbrella. She has recently moved from Bozeman to Switzerland (can you say JEALOUS?! I can) and needed to find it a new home. I was the happy recipient of this classy contraption.

Doesn’t it look distinguished? I want it to rain so I can go out and use it and look distinguished, too. The problem is, I live in Montana, where the precipitation from October through May typically comes in the form of snow. Sigh. I guess I’ll have to wait to carry it around. But you can be sure on the first day of rain, I will be out in my galoshes looking snazzy and staying delightfully dry.

Heather also bequeathed me these vintage bottles. They’re lovely.

  1. Rachel says:

    LOVE the vintage bottles! I have a collection too and it’s so great to find someone else in love :o) Also, your blog is awesome – I’ve had so much fun browsing through!

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