Once upon a time, a man and a woman fell in love. Their love was something neither wanted to ever let go of, so they became engaged. However, they didn’t set a date right away. Then one morning, they were talking together, entrusting each other with their hopes and dreams, when the handsome man said, “Why don’t we get married next Thursday?” “Okay!” said the beautiful woman. And a week later, the wedding of Susan and Bruce came to be (although family and friends convinced them to do it Friday instead of Thursday).
Reid and I were so honored to be a part of this wedding, as Susan has been a wonderful family friend and a part of my life for years. She and my uncle Tyler have been best friends for the majority of their adult lives. In fact, it was Tyler who performed the ceremony, during which Susan and Bruce looked at each other with incredible love and respect, and warmth support poured out from everyone witnessing the marriage of these two wonderful people.
It was astounding to see all of the details that had so quickly come together for this beautiful wedding. Of course, such a beautiful wedding could not have come about without some insane planning skills, which you can see Susan employing right here 🙂
The wedding took place at the beautiful Sacajawea Hotel in Three Forks, MT.
I mean really…how kickin’ are these boots?
The flowers were the perfect mix of rusticity and elegance. Couldn’t have been more beautiful.
Pumpkin luminaries lined the aisle.
Love this one!
Her son and two daughters walked her down the aisle. How neat is that?
Thank you, Bruce and Susan, for letting us be a part of such a special day! Love to you both!
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Beautiful photos. Gorgeous wedding. Amazing love. Well done you guys (Susan, Bruce – for supplying the reason, Sam & Reid – for capturing the moments!)