It’s November, and it’s in the 60s. Just in case some of you may not know, we live in Montana. 60 degrees, November, and Montana do not usually wind up in the same sentence. Suffice it to say, I am happy about this. Winter began early in October last year, so having a full, non-interrupted fall has been a dream come true.
I woke up today (after thankfully being able to have another blessed hour of sleep) and was grateful that I live in this beautiful place. Thankful that I woke up to the sun shining. Thankful for my family. Thankful for Reid. Thankful for photography and the wonderful people I am having the privilege of meeting through this amazing adventure. Thankful for my Heavenly Father who provides all these wonderful blessings.
I’m also thankful that I’m another year older and that in this past year, the direction my life has taken has been one I never would have anticipated. I’d always been interested in photography, but I’d never seriously considered pursuing it as a career. That is, until that possibility kind of fell into my lap. When something falls into your lap, it’s kind of hard to ignore, right? Unless it’s a piece of dust.
For a long time, I had kind of felt like a human equivalent of Jell-o on a shiny, plastic plate, slipping and sliding all over the place as the plate was carried around in a crowded room.What I mean to say is, to be brutally honest, until now, I haven’t been quite sure where I should be or what I should be doing. Career wise, anyway. Should I stay nicely put in the middle of the plate or slide right off it and onto the shoe of the person next to me? This last scenario seemed dangerous, and yet it is just what I needed to do. No, not literally. I didn’t want to nosedive into a loafer – I wanted to do something big. I have friends who know exactly what they want to do in life and, in the process, are having amazing experiences. While they were out living their inspiring lives, I was finding myself wishing I could join them, unsure until now of how to do it. Until now, that is.
I finally reached my own personal tipping point, and now I am barreling forward. I have found my passion, and thankfully, I’ve found someone who’s willing and wanting to join me on this adventure. This photography thing isn’t just a passing whim or a fun little side job. Reid and I have a goal to turn this into a serious venture and make some waves. We’re ready to ride those waves. Are you?
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our lives. Thanks to all of you who are making Orange Photographie a fantastic success. Thank you for spreading the word, for reading our words, for liking our work, and for being our friends. We couldn’t do it without you.
Join us on Instagram where we share our artistry & adventures on the daily.
Awww. I’m so glad you are happy and filled with purpose in your life! I’m also glad you are no longer jello. Which is, in fact, completely disgusting. 😀
Right on you two. I wish you the best in your new adventure!!!
I love you so much…you are an amazing person and I really miss you.
Yeah for you and Reid!! You two are such amazing people AND I am so thankful that you both are in our lives!!
Love you both and way to go ;0)