The Journal

Did Phil Lie?

“There is no way that this winter is *ever* going to end as long as this groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don’t see any other way out. He’s got to be stopped. And I have to stop him.” – from Groundhog Day

But I shouldn’t have to stop him. On February 2, he didn’t see his shadow and predicted an early spring this year. He gave people the hope they needed in this cold, dreary time.

However, as I look out my window at the very large snowflakes intensely swirling around, I’m beginning to wonder if Phil lied. I’m beginning to think he was out to save his own neck and announced he didn’t see his shadow in order to prevent the above scenario from happening to him. Phil knew that if he said he saw his shadow and spring wasn’t coming soon, there might be an uprising. A revolt. And his life might be in danger. Especially after all the crazy snow that’s been pelting most of the country.

Now, I don’t normally promote animal cruelty. In fact, I’m so much against it that I’m a vegetarian. But if Phil’s prediction doesn’t start looking like it’s going to happen soon, I might have go search out his hole and give him a piece of my mind.

Or at least take a vacation to someplace warm. Good thing I’m off to California in a couple of weeks. Phil’s life is safe. For now.

I can’t wait for this to go away…

So we can have this again…

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