The Journal

A Declaration of Us

A Declaration of Us

We believe in God.

We believe in having a glass-half-full sort of outlook.

We believe in peddling vintage Schwinns with baskets.

We believe documenting love with our cameras is the best job ever…aside from maybe being an island caretaker.

We believe in poetry, picnics (preferably with pears and brie), and popsicles.

We believe in adventure and traveling the globe, be it Paris or Pittsburg.

We believe in handwritten thank-you notes…better late than never.

We believe in always being kind.

We believe in bookshelves full of Austen, Shakespeare and Dr. Seuss.

We believe in spontaneous road trips and charming, chintzy bed & breakfasts.

We believe in marrying the significant other that writes us the best love letters.

We believe drinking Pellegrino with a twist of lime is one of life’s best simple pleasures.

We believe in eating lots of cupcakes.

We believe in dancing like no one is watching, even when everyone’s watching.

We believe classic movies are the best; they just don’t make ‘em like the used to.

We believe in making beautiful music, literally and figuratively.

We believe in laughing…a lot.

We believe in making brides feel beautiful and fabulous.

We believe in hugs; you will get one from us whether you like it or not.

We believe that becoming friends with our clients is the coolest thing.

We believe in being inspired by love.

What do you believe?

The way the sun burst through the snowy trees and illuminated them made my heart soar with gladness that we live in this beautiful place.


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