The Journal

A Belle Lunch

Reid and I went to Elle’s Belles yesterday to have a delightful lunch and even more delightful dessert. We split a three-cheese grilled cheese with tomato and a pear, brie, spinach and honey-mustard sandwich. Then we went a little pastry crazy and got two cupcakes (red velvet and lemon), a ginger cookie and a whoopie pie (which Reid ate all of and didn’t give me a bite…but to be fair, he thought it was made with marshmallows and not marshmallow cream, and he knows I don’t eat marshmallows…so I guess he was just being thoughtful). Everything was scrumptious. If you haven’t been to Elle’s before, I highly suggest not wasting another minute and getting yourself there.

On a personal note, Elle is a good friend of my family’s, and I met her for the first time yesterday. She is even more delightful than her case of sweets. After talking for a few minutes, she told me I had the exact mannerisms as my Aunt Kelly. Which I took as a wonderful compliment, as I adore my Aunt and have always aspired to be like her. At least I’ve got the hand gestures and head tilts down…

  1. Katherine Crumrine says:

    That sandwich is making my mouth water. Great photos, you guys. I need an updated headshot, are you guys interested? If so, what are your rates?

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